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Javascript Rendering: Common JS Rendering Issues for Websites

If you use JavaScript on your internet site—and 98.8 percent of websites do—then know-how how JavaScript renders and why it’s important to your internet site is
Unrendered or poorly rendered JavaScript can have untold influences on your website. It may even cross so far as to impact SEO if Google JavaScript rendering can not take place as it’s meant
The fact is, JavaScript rendering troubles will manifest. So understanding why they occur and a way to deal with them can be the distinction between a poorly rendered internet site or an most fulfilling user (and crawlbot)
In this put up, I’ll provide an explanation for what rendering JavaScript is and why it’s important. My crew at NP Digital can even provide an evaluation of 3 SaaS brands, such as common JavaScript rendering errors. Finally, I’ll provide a rundown of the most not unusual JS rendering errors and the way you could address them.
We have lots to cowl, so allow’s jump proper in!
Key Findings On JavaScript Rendering
JavaScript rendering is important for website usability and functionality, impacting whole sections or pages if left unrendered for customers.
NP Digital analyzed 3 web sites to example capacity issues with JavaScript Rendering
Zoom (Brand #1)
Analysis of Zoom’s internet site reveals differences among uncooked HTML and rendered HTML, together with lacking hreflang attributes in raw HTML.
Instances like missing H1 tags in raw HTML can impact search engine optimization and prevent website overall performance.
Asana (Brand #2)
Similar to Zoom, Asana faces issues like differing page titles in uncooked HTML and rendered HTML.
Asana has numerous pages with blocked JavaScript sources, however this can be without difficulty constant by updating the robots.Txt report.
Neil Patel (Brand #3)
Neil Patel’s website additionally famous attributes displayed in rendered HTML however now not in uncooked HTML.
There became a minimum impact from blocked JavaScript documents, showcasing effective management of this common trouble.
Why JavaScript Rendering Is
JavaScript rendering is important from perspectives.
First, from a person attitude, JavaScript rendering is essential for website usability and functionality. Depending on what factors are loaded the usage of JavaScript, whole sections or maybe pages or your website may be inoperable if JavaScript is left
If JavaScript isn’t rendering for customers, then it’s clearly not rendering for seek engine crawlbots. This manner that Google cannot index or rank your internet site on SERPs.
This may have substantial implications for SEO, and it’s a massive purpose why JavaScript SEO wishes to be part of your usual search engine marketing and advertising approach.
How Brands are Using JavaScript
JavaScript is used so broadly that it could be tough to pinpoint what on a internet site is HTML and what’s JavaScript. To display you simply how commonplace JavaScript is on websites—and why information JavaScript rendering is essential—my crew at NP Digital has assessed three SaaS brands.
Using Screaming Frog and supply code, we’ve dug into the general site breakdown of URLs to determine simply how many are the usage of JavaScript. We’ve also analyzed a web page or two from every website to show you the capability impact that poorly rendered JavaScript will have on search engine marketing.
Before we dive in, though, right here’s a crash direction in HTML rendering and JS
We’ll be discussing kinds of HTML formats in this post. The first is uncooked HTML and the second is rendered HTML.
Raw HTML: The unique version of HTML on a website earlier than JavaScript has loaded.
Rendered HTML: The HTML that is seen after JavaScript has
Now you may be asking, where and when does rendering JS take area?
There are two opportunities. The first is server-side rendering, and that is completed on the internet site’s server before being despatched to the purchaser (i.E. Consumer browser). This is the most commonplace rendering option as it provides a smoother experience for the
The 2nd choice is consumer-aspect rendering, in which the person’s web browser need to render the JavaScript before the internet site fully hundreds. This can motive lag and isn’t always encouraged for maximum web sites.Finally, even as we won’t talk is simply too closely, it’s also helpful to recognise how HTML is read by computers (together with crawlbots). The record object model (DOM) is the shape of an HTML document. The HTML factors are kept break free the JavaScript factors, as proven
This is finished for lots reasons. For developers, it’s less difficult to pinpoint mistakes and make adjustments to the HTML or the JavaScript as wished. For internet site rendering purposes, this guarantees that HTML elements are nonetheless loaded of their uncooked model even if JavaScript doesn’t render.
Now which you have some history understanding, allow’s begin our analysis of three SaaS brands: Zoom, Asana, and Neil Patel.
Brand #1:
The first SaaS emblem we analyzed was Zoom, a cloud-based video conferencing carrier.
Using Screaming Frog, the NPD team ran a scrape of the whole U.S. Version of the Zoom internet site to look how JavaScript may be impacting their internet site. Screaming Frog is excellent for identifying wherein JavaScript shows up within the rendered HTML that Google cares
Right away, we are able to see a difference in the way the hreflang characteristic is treated inside the unique HTML versus the rendered HTML. More especially, hreflang is lacking from the unique HTML (strains 39 thru 56)
Assuming rendering in JavaScript happens properly, this is not in all likelihood to have an effect at the overall performance of the website. However, through not such as the hreflang attribute within the uncooked HTML, there is the potential that this records isn’t always handed to Google.
Let’s have a look at some other instance where uncooked HTML and rendered HTML
In the above instance, we will see that the H1 tag is well rendered with JavaScript. However, since the H1 tag isn’t protected in the uncooked HTML, there is the capability for Google to miss this critical tag if the web page become no longer nicely
Instances like this can have foremost influences on SEO and hinder website overall performance.
It’s no longer constantly the case that an essential assets is lacking totally from the uncooked HTML, however alternatively, it can be specific from what the rendered HTML is displaying. In the underneath example, the title tag in the raw HTML is “Loading” even as the name tag within the rendered HTML is “Zoom Learning Center”:
This is an instance in which JavaScript is updating the page name dynamically, but if JavaScript didn’t render then Google could now not index the right web page name.
One issue to observe is that JavaScript errors are commonplace, and that they don’t usually have a big impact on page rendering. We can see this via looking on the supply code and seeing that all relevant records we might count on to peer on a page—primarily HTML tags—are
This doesn’t imply that JavaScript errors can’t be intricate for different reasons,
In this case, the raw HTML doesn’t have the image used above but the rendered HTML does. This means if the visitor’s browser doesn’t render JavaScript, they will no longer be seeing the whole lot you show for your web
From a credibility standpoint, that’s a loss.
How can a tourist see your internet site as credible and authoritative if they could’t placed a face to a call? The identical may be stated for imagery and logos that your internet site presentations some place else, like at checkout.
Overall, the above issues are not inflicting troubles for web page rendering. So even as some on-page elements or information may not be to be had to Google crawlbots inside the uncooked HTML, they will get them in the rendered HTML.
One foremost difficulty that’s not particular to Zoom is a internet site blocking off .Js files inside the robots.Txt record. This can prevent Google crawlbots from crawling, rendering, and indexing those files which might be adverse for your SEO rating.
Here’s a listing of all the JavaScript URLs with blocked resources on Zoom:

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